Displaying 171 to 180 out of 181 matching article(s).
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Project to be completed in early spring 2014
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
The Bethpage Water District Files Lawsuit Against Northrop Grumman
Bethpage, NY - The Bethpage Water District, represented by the law firm of Weitz and Luxenburg, P.C., announced that it has filed a formal lawsuit against Northrop Grumman Corporation in Federal Court. The suit charges that the aerospace company caused “irreparable harm” to the aquifer, which is the source of the community’s drinking water supply, by creating a toxic plume that affects the groundwater.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Bethpage Water District Reminds Residents to Prepare Their Pipes Before Heading South for the Winter
Bethpage, NY (November 8, 2013) " As the warm weather comes to an end and the winter cold rolls in many Long Island residents find themselves heading to warm weather sites across the country. The Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners William J. Ellinger, Gary S. Bretton and John R. Sullivan remind homeowners to check your water pipes before leaving for the winter.
Friday, November 15, 2013
The Bethpage Water District Remains Vigilant on Fire Hydrant Maintenance
Bethpage, NY (October 22, 2013) - The Bethpage Water District continues to remain vigilant in protecting, testing and maintaining the water pressure for district fire hydrants.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Ground Water vs. Drinking Water: Trust No One
The quality of Long Island's water has been an ongoing discussion in recent days and for good reason. Everyone is concerned about their own health and the health of their families and friends. The good news is that the mission of public water supply everywhere is also the protection of public health.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Bethpage Water District Announces Water Main Improvement Project
Bethpage, NY (July 17, 2013) " The Bethpage Water District is announcing the construction of a new 20" transmission water main and work will commence this month.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Bethpage Water District Drills New Well For Residents
Bethpage, NY (July 1, 2013) " The Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners is proud to announce that drilling has begun on a brand new well in Bethpage State Park. The well, discussed since 2005, will be the districts ninth well and should be operational by next year
Monday, June 3, 2013
Social Media comes to Bethpage W.D.
Bethpage, NY " .
Friday, May 24, 2013
Bethpage Water Responds to Newsday Radium Article
As was reported today in Newsday, the Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners have taken proactive precautionary measures and shut down one of its drinking water supply wells to investigate higher than usual levels of Radium.
Monday, October 29, 2012
****Hurricane Sandy****
Bethpage Water Ensures the Safety of District"s Drinking Water in the Event of a Natural Disaster.