Displaying 151 to 160 out of 181 matching article(s).
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
District Thanks Community and Government For Support in Remediating Plume
The Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners, William J. Ellinger, John R. Sullivan and Gary S. Bretton, announced to the Bethpage community recent water protection legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Joseph S. Saladino and New York State Senator Kemp Hannon has been signed into law by New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Bethpage Water Commissioners Warn Residents of "Phantom Flushing"
he Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners William J. Ellinger, Gary S. Bretton and John R. Sullivan remind residents "phantom flushing" and other internal plumbing issues can cause abnormally high water bills.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Bethpage Water District Invites Community to Celebrate National Groundwater Awareness Week 2015
The Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners Chairman William J. Ellinger, Treasurer John R. Sullivan and Gary S. Bretton reminds the community to be more aware of their water usage in honor of National Groundwater Week 2015.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Bethpage Water District Superintendent Takes to Air Waves
The Bethpage Water District (BWD) Board of Commissioners William J. Ellinger, John R. Sullivan and Gary S. Bretton remind residents that service will not stop just because temperatures take a plunge.
Friday, January 9, 2015
District: Northrop Grumman Must Be Held Accountable
The Bethpage Water District (BWD) Board of Commissioners Chairman William J. Ellinger, John R. Sullivan and Gary S. Bretton have requested the Court to permit an amendment to the ongoing lawsuit against Northrop Grumman Corporation to include recently discovered higher levels of contamination emanating from the Grumman plume.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Check the Pipes Before You Fly South
As temperatures continue to decline, many Bethpage residents choose to lock up their Long Island homes and head towards warmer weather for the fall and winter seasons. Bethpage Water District reminds these residents to take the necessary preventive actions to ensure pipes don"t burst, leak, or freeze during their absence.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Bethpage Water District Urges Residents to Prepare for the Winter
With the winter season approaching, Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners William Ellinger, John Sullivan and Gary Bretton remind residents to take action in order to protect their pipes, sprinkler systems and meters against possible damage from freezing temperatures.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Bethpage Students Go With the Flow
Bethpage Water District (BWD) Board of Commissioners, Chairman William J. Ellinger, Treasurer John R. Sullivan, Secretary Gary S. Bretton and Secretary to the Board Sal Greco, recently invited local students to tour the District"s Plant 4 on Sophia Street in Bethpage. Throughout the tour, Superintendent Michael Boufis and Senior Water Plant Operator Peter Schimmel detailed the path water takes before reaching faucets to Charles Campagne, Kramer Lane and Central Boulevard Elementary School students.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Bethpage Water District Greets Community at the Bethpage Fire Department Street Fair
Bethpage Water District (BWD) Superintendent Mike Boufis and Secretary to the Board of Commissioners Sal Greco recently attended the Bethpage Fire Department (BFD) Street Fair on behalf of the Board of Commissioners Chairman William Ellinger, Treasurer John Sullivan and Secretary Gary Bretton. The BWD greeted fair attendees at the booth set up to educate the Bethpage community on the new "EyeOnWater" digital water meter system. The new system will send email alerts to warn residents of any leaks or complications they may not be aware they have.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Bethpage Water District Joins Discussion on State of Long Island"s Water
Bethpage Water District Superintendent Michael Boufis and Secretary Sal Greco recently participated in the Long Island Water Quality Symposium on behalf of Bethpage Water District commissioners John Sullivan, William Ellinger and Gary Bretton