Bethpage Water District Blog

Displaying 121 to 130 out of 165 matching article(s).

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bethpage Water District Winning Posters on Display at Library

The Bethpage Water District (BWD) Board of Commissioners Chairman William J. Ellinger, Treasurer John R. Sullivan and Secretary Gary S. Bretton recently announced that the community can view winning artwork from the District"s 2015 Water Conservation Poster Contest at the Bethpage Public Library. Eighteen Bethpage School District student-designed posters will be on display through August 2015.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners Offer Tips for Summer Lawn Care

The Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners Chairman William J. Ellinger, Treasurer John R. Sullivan and Secretary Gary S. Bretton provide residents with advice to maintain healthy lawns while saving water.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Bethpage Water District: Dispose of Waste Properly

Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners Chairman William J. Ellinger, Secretary Gary S. Bretton and Treasurer John R. Sullivan reminds residents improper storage or disposal of hazardous materials could damage Bethpage"s groundwater supply.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Bethpage Water District: Be Mindful of Lawn Chemicals and Fertilizer Use

The Bethpage Water District urges residents to adhere to manufacturer instructions when using and disposing of lawn chemicals and fertilizers.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Bethpage Water District Announces Poster Contest Winners

Bethpage Water District (BWD) Commissioners Chairman William J. Ellinger, Secretary Gary S. Bretton and Treasurer John R. Sullivan recently congratulated the top three students from each grade who submitted posters that best answered the question, "How Can I Conserve and Protect My Water?" during BWD"s annual poster contest Bethpage Protects, Bethpage Conserves.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Bethpage Water District Reminds Residents to Conserve When Filling Swimming Pools

The Bethpage Water District reminds residents of proper pool-filling procedures to help save water. Following a few simple tips can help residents make a significant contribution towards water conservation during the hot summer months ahead.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Water District to Complete District-Wide Meter Replacement Project

In an effort to meet a Fall 2015 deadline, the Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners Chairman William J. Ellinger, John R. Sullivan and Gary S. Bretton has contracted with an outside firm to complete the district"s water meter upgrade project.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Northrop Grumman To Take Legal Responsibility for Remediating Plume

The Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners, William J. Ellinger, John R. Sullivan and Gary S. Bretton, announced to the Bethpage community Northrop Grumman Corp. has agreed to remediate the plume. Efforts by the District, local elected officials and members of the community played a role in pressuring Northrop Grumman to assume their responsibility for cleanup.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Over 150 Bethpage Students Participate in Annual Bethpage Water District Poster Contest

The Bethpage Water District Board of Commissioners William J. Ellinger, John R. Sullivan and Gary S. Bretton are thrilled by the overwhelming interest from the Bethpage School District and its students to participate in the first annual BWD Poster Contest Bethpage Protects, Bethpage Conserves.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bethpage Water District Teaches Girl Scouts that Every Drop Counts

Bethpage Water District (BWD) Board of Commissioners, Chairman William J. Ellinger, Treasurer John R. Sullivan and Secretary Gary S. Bretton recently welcomed Girl Scout Troop 3276 to tour the District"s Pump Station #4 on Sophia Street in Bethpage, NY.