Bethpage Water District Blog

Thursday, March 14, 2019

What is the pumping and storage capacity of the Bethpage Water District facilities?


Bethpage Water District has 4 storage tanks, 2 elevated and 2 ground storage tanks totaling 6.25 million gallons of water. The elevated tanks supply gravity pressure to the town and the ground storage tanks have booster pumps which "push" water into the system from the storage tanks. We have (6) pump stations scattered across the town with (9) production wells. The wells have a maximum capacity of 13,180 gallons per minute which equates to filling a standard backyard pool in less than one minute. We also have standby generators at each location to provide emergency power in the event we lose electric service.  Our typicl pumping day in the winter is 2.5-3 mllion gallons per day, however, our typical high usage day can range from 8-10 million gallons per day in the summer.  Bethpage Water District is very fortunate as it is extremely rare to have more than double your highest usage day in water storage.  Most other water districts do not have that luxury.

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